31 Day Blog Challenge – Best Thing to Happen in 2015!

Day 22 – Best Thing to Happen in 2015!

When I started this 31 day blog challenge 30 days ago I expected that I would complete it in 31 days, and yet, here I am at day 30 with only 21 blogs done. Why is that? Because at several points in this process I chose to ‘break the rules’. Having vacation days with no responsibilities was more important to me than rules. After all, whose rules were they?

I think in may ways that epitomizes what 2015 was about for me.  It was about finding my own balance, what worked for me, what I wanted my life and my business to look like. Just because others had done it a certain way didn’t mean that would work for me.

My habit for New Years is to end the year in reflection. My church hosts a Burning Bowl Ceremony every New Year’s Eve in which we reflect on what we learned throughout the year, what we want to release – by fire, and what we want to achieve in the New Year.

This year the theme was ‘What would you do if you were brave?’ When I look back at 2015 I can honestly say – I WAS BRAVE! I did all the things that scare me.

Being self employed is hard and businesses are made or broken within the first three years.  In December of 2014 – two years into my business. I had been pushing the ball up hill for 2 years and every time I thought I was at the top of the hill, the ball would roll over me and back down that darned hill and I would have to push it up again 🙁  I was exhausted! December 12th of 2014 I closed down for the Christmas holiday not sure that I could keep doing it.  By January 1, 2015 I was rejuvenated!  Nothing like a good vacation to get priorities in order!

2015 was a year of triumphs!  Failure was not an option! I’m a big believer that when we ignore our fear and say YES! to God miracles happen. In 2015, that was saying yes to opening my own office – which involved signing a 2 year lease.  There was no longer any room for maybe, no more watching the job boards, no more backup plan, I was all in!

My new office opened June 1, 2015. Nearly 100 people attended my open house in July and revenue in June was the highest of any month I had ever had. At the same time that I increased my expenses I was able to begin paying myself a salary and by the end of 2015 I had doubled my 2014 revenue numbers.

And now I work in a space that I love, that reflects the peace and tranquility that I have wanted my clients to experience from day 1. All because I said yes – because I dared to be brave!

What would change in your life if you were brave?


Ribbon Cutting

My Open House and Ribbon Cutting


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